15 Totally Insane Facts About YouTube

15 Totally Insane Facts About YouTube!

YouTube is no doubt, the biggest video sharing service in the world.
Most of us use their website or app on a daily basis, whether it’s for going from video to video until you end up watching conspiracy theories, or just to entertain ourselves with cute animal videos.
No matter how you use it, these 15 YouTube facts are worth a read!
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#1.YouTube was founded on February 14th (Valentine’s Day!), 2005 by three ex-PayPal employees.

#2.The first ever YouTube video was uploaded on April 23, 2005. It is a video of its co-founder at the San Diego Zoo.

#3.Initially, YouTube was created to be a video dating site called “Tune In Hook Up.”

#4.Only 18 months after YouTube was founded, Google bought it for $1.65 billion in stocks.

#5.There are over one billion users on YouTube, which is nearly one-third of everyone on the Internet.

#6.Every minute, over 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.

#7.In 2014, the famous YouTube star, Grumpy Cat, earned more money than Gwyneth Paltrow – an Oscar-Winning Actress.

#8.Google of course, is the biggest search engine in the world. But right behind it, is YouTube, which is bigger than Bing, Yahoo!, and Ask combined.

#9.Every April Fool’s Day, YouTube plays a prank on its millions of users.

#10.Aside from the U.S., the most YouTube views come from Saudi Arabia. This is because TV, Facebook, and Twitter are banned in Saudi Arabia, but YouTube is unrestricted.

#11.The video to reach the most views in the first day of being uploaded is the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2. It reached 112 million views in 24 hours.

#12.Every minute, there are 400 tweets going out that include a link to a YouTube video.

#13.The most popular topic that is searched for is of course, Music!

#14.The most popular tutorial that is searched for is “How to kiss.” The second most searched for tutorial is “how to tie a tie.”

#15. YouTube opened a production space in Los Angeles that is free to use – but only if you have at least 10,000 subscribers.

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