15 Utterly Amazing Facts You Never Knew

15 Utterly Amazing Facts You Never Knew

The world we live in is full of amazing facts you never knew.

Some of these facts are common knowledge, like never eating yellow snow, whilst some are rather unknown knowledge, like the fact that cheetahs love the smell of Calvin Klein.

Today we make these unknown facts, known! Hopefully you’re ready to retain some knowledge because we’ve got a treat for you today!

So grab a drink, sit back, relax and enjoy these 15 utterly amazing facts you never knew!

1.The Burj Khalifa is so tall you can see two sunsets from it in one day.

You can see the sunset happen at ground level, and then if you get the elevator all the way up the building you can see it set again from the top.

2.Russia has more surface area than Pluto.

With 6,601,668 square miles of land mass, Russia beats Pluto’s 6,427,805 square miles of surface area, and dwarfs the world’s second biggest country, Canada, which has a land mass of 3,855,103 square miles.

3.There is no specific time zone at the South Pole.

This is because all the longitude lines on the planet meet up there (because the planet isn’t flat, yo).

4.High heels were originally men’s shoes.

High heels came into circulation on the shoe circuit in roughly 10 BC.
They were worn by men of the Persian Cavalry to help their boots stay in their stirrups when riding horses. 

5.Your nose and ears never stop growing.

They are the only two parts of your body that keep growing when all your other features’ growth comes to an end.

6.The Eiffel Tower “grows” in the summer.

Due to the heat expansion of the tower’s iron in the summer sun, the Eiffel Tower’s height can grow by up to 6 inches!

7.Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest!

Bees can fly at levels up to 29,525 feet above sea level – higher than the planet’s tallest Mountain!

8.In England, pigeon poop is property of the Crown.

This is because pigeon poop could be used to make gunpowder.
Because of this, King George I declared all pigeon poop to be property of the Crown in the 18th Century.

9.The letter ‘E’ is the most common letter in the English language.

It appears in roughly 11% of all words used in the English language, and is used 11 times in this very sentence alone!

10.All astronauts going to the International Space Station have to learn how to speak Russian.

This is because astronauts traveling to the ISS must hitch a ride with Russian cosmonauts, and the controls of their Soyuz spacecraft are in Russian.
The first British astronaut to go to the ISS, Commander Tim Peake said “Learning Russian has been the single most difficult aspect of my training”!

11.Sharks are older than trees.

Sharks have been about on this planet for roughly 400 million years, which is about 50 million years longer than trees!

12.An ant can’t die from falling.

Because of their incredibly small weight and rock-hard exoskeleton, an ant’s terminal velocity isn’t enough to kill or harm it upon impact.
Simply put, they could survive being dropped from heights like the Empire State Building and walk away unscathed.

13.Snakes can burp fire.

For this to happen, a decomposing animal a snake has eaten has to burst whilst being digested, releasing methane and hydrogen into the snake’s stomach.
All that’s needed for the snake to fire up is a spark.

14.Dogs can learn up to 250 words and gestures.

The average intelligence of a dog is akin to that of a two-year-old human child.

15.On statues, a horse’s legs tell you how the statue figure died.

If a horse has both its front legs in the air, then the person died in battle.
If the horse has one of its front legs in the air, they died of wounds received from a battle.
And if the horse has both its front legs on the ground then the person died of natural causes.
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