13 Best Marvel's Avengers Facts – List of MCU + Comic Trivia

Since its first publications as Timely Comics way back in 1941, the Marvel Comics Group would not have lasted if it hadn’t picked up a few interesting stories or its powerful superheroes along the way. These days the group are making headlines not just in print but also in their immensely ambitious but extremely successful Cinematic Universe.
We’ve rooted though the history books for fascinating Marvel facts from it’s comic book history to intriguing trivia on the Marvel Cinematic Universe…

1. The First Marvel Superhero

Thought Captain America was the first Marvel hero? Well you’d be right were it not for some clever modifications. Marvel’s first hero, appearing in Marvel #1 in 1939 was The Human Torch – not Johnny Storm but an android that could control fire. The comic book sold more than 800,000 copies. Our fave Cap wasn’t born into the world until 1941, selling over one million copies.

2. Marvel Almost Owned DC

Clone Saga almost killed Marvel Comics, but a decade earlier, DC was in the dumps as their characters weren’t really selling. Jim Shooter, Marvel’s editor-in-chief was approached by the head of Warner Communications’ publishing at the time but turned down the offer claiming DC characters wouldn’t sell as they weren’t very good. Ouch! Imagine if the deal went ahead. That same-old Marvel comics vs. DC comics debate would never have existed!

3. Black Panther is NOT the Richest Superhero

It has been estimated that Black Panther has an estimated net worth of somewhere in the trillions. This makes T’Challa himself only slightly less well-off than the entirety of Sweden which has a nominal GDP of $507 billion. Being king of a country and thus its wealth being your wealth will no doubt do this for you but believe it or not, he’s not the number one richest hero in the Universe as many would assume – check out our ranking of the richest Marvel hero to find out who makes it to the top of the list!

4. Wolverine was Almost a Talking Wolverine

Bit of random trivia from the wacky days of 1977 – everyone’s favorite knuckle-clawed hunk Wolverine was planned to be a wolverine who mutated into a human. This was indicated by a passing leprechaun only he saw but the story group never followed through with this.

5. How Old is Black Widow?

The films are very vague about how old Natasha Romanov is, only hinting she is old enough to have been raised by the KGB. In the comics however, various medical procedures and bits of biotechnology have allowed her to live for decades. As the KGB becomes a more distant memory, it’s more likely the young Natasha is much older than she looks. In the comics, she’s said to be 70 years-old!

6. Groot – Master of Lines

Saying “I am Groot” might be one of the easiest actor roles in any film to date, but that’s boring. Not only is every line specific to the situation, Vin Diesel recorded himself saying the line in multiple languages including Afrikaans, Russian, Mandarin, French, Flemish and Spanish. If saying “I am Groot” in over a dozen languages is not impressive enough, when it came to Baby Groot there was no added effect to his words; that was pure Diesel. Despite being famous for having a deep baritone voice on screen, Vin Diesel’s been imitating cartoon characters since he was a kid.

7. He’s a Friend from Work!”

Did you spot the cool Thor: Ragnarok Easter Egg? When it was revealed, Thor shouting “He’s a friend from work!” made immense waves on social media. The idea came from a kid visiting the set as part of the Make A Wish foundation, who suggested the line to Hemsworth during a break between takes.

8. Wakandans Speak a Real Language

In Captain America: Civil War and Black Panther, we get scenes of T’Challa and his kin from Wakanda speaking in their native tongue. One of the most interesting hidden references in this movie is how the words spoken are a variety of Xhosa, a real language spoken prominently in Zimbabwe and South Africa which are close to where Wakanda is situated in the MCU.

9. ‘Spider-Man’ or ‘Spiderman’?

You’ll see it in a number of places where it’s asked if the Web-Head’s name is “Spider-Man”, “Spiderman” or “Spider Man”. According to Stan Lee, it’s Spider-Man, with a hyphen, in order to separate him from Superman who in print, could appear to have a very similar name.

10. Hulk was Grey at First

When he first appeared, Bruce Banner would transform into a grey-skinned Hulk. He was made green after the first few issues because when it came to printing comics, the grey tone in the four-colour printing process would come out different every time. Grey Hulk would come back as a smarter, more talkative form who took the alias Joe Fixit.

11. Marvel Own the Men In Black

The Men in Black, the black-suited agents of the acclaimed 1997-2012 film series are by right of ownership Marvel license. The company bought the previous publisher, Malibu, in 1994 but all the films, shows and video games have been Marvel productions. Makes you wonder if Coulson and co. strutting around in polarized shades and black suits is a nod to the men above the system.

12. A Fan Designed the Black Spider Suit

In the 1980’s, Marvel held a fan competition, looking for aspiring writers and artists. One fan submitted an idea of a stealth suit for the web-head, engineered by Reed Richards and tailored by Janet van Dyne. The idea didn’t hold but Marvel liked the outfit and offered the fan $220 for it. It was used in the comics and even in movies like 2007’s Spider-Man 3. 

13. Tom Holland Found Out he was Spider Man on Instagram

It sounds like something from a movie: You’re in bed one evening chilling out by browsing your social media feed when boom! You see your face on some big company’s page that says you are going places. Tom Holland claimed he went ballistic-nuts when he saw Marvel reveal on their website that he’d be the new Spider-Man.

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