6 Interesting Facts About Electronics & Semiconductors

1. The word engineer comes from
a Latin word meaning ‘cleverness’.
2. According to Moore's Law,
microchips double in power every 18 to 24 months. Gordon E. Moore, a founder of
Intel, proposed the concept in 1965.
3. One Google search
produces about 0.2 g of CO2. But since you hardly get an answer from one
search, a typical search session produces about the same amount of CO2 as does
boiling a tea kettle. Google handles about 1 billion search queries per day,
releasing some 200 tons of CO2 per day.

4. A small silicon chip of which could easily fit in our hand
contains more then 100000000 transistors. It’s something which have surely
strikes your mind. But wait buddy, this is not that mind blowing thing.
You need to read further
for that.
The mind blowing thing
here is that we as an electronics engineer actually find the current,
voltage, Impedance, capacitance of any one transistor inside that chip.
Isn’t its mind blowing?
5. Walking Across A Carpet Can Generate Up to 35000 V of Static
6. The revenue of Circuit Board and Electronic Component manufacturing
in the US was more than $44 billion in 2014.