16 Unknown Facts about China

Facts about China-

  • The population of China is more than 4 times bigger than the population of the US. 

  • One in every 5 humans is Chinese

  • Chinese is the most popular language in the world (based on the number of native speakers)

  • 14% of people in the world speak Chinese

  • Chinese Kids can poo or pee anywhere anytime this is because Chinese kids don't wear pampers they wear a special type of pants with a small hole near the bottom. 

  • China has world's largest army. 

  • China is an owner of all the pandas in the world. 

  • Almost 50 million Chinese live abroad.

  • Almost 35 million Chinese people live in Caves! 

  • Chinese new year celebration lasts for 15 days! 

  • Chinese people can only have maximum 2 children in their family. 

  • Half of the Pig's population resides in China! 

  • Chinese invented everyone's favorite Ice-creams.. 

  • Chinese are born mathematical Geniuses. 

  • The four greatest inventions of Ancient China are Gunpowder, paper, printing, and the compass.

  • Chinese people spend most on the travel in the world.